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Winter Lights 2021

 Speaker: Jennifer E "Call for Service"

Call for Service - NCDA

March 7, 2021 Sunday

 Speaker: Blessing "Capstone"

Capstone - NCDA

 Speaker: Amina Z "Keynote II"

Keynote II - NCDA

Speaker: Kevin W & Stacy N "Sponsor and Sponsee Discussion"

Sponsor and Sponsee Discussion - NCDA

Speaker: Karen W & Jerry J "The Promises and Living the Promises"

The Promises and Living the Promises - NCDA

 Speaker: Mary Ellen C "Service is Vital"

Service is Vital - NCDA

NCDA Intergroup

1875 Mission St., Suite 103, San Francisco, CA 94103

© 2024 NCDA Intergroup

(415) 295-6232 (NCDA)


Tradition Three: "The only requirement for D.A. membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt."; "We avoid bias based on race, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual or gender orientation, ability or disability, religion or lack of religion, politics, socioeconomic status, and other such factors" pg. 76, The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Debtors Anonymous.

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