NorCal GSR

Northern California DA General Service Representative (GSR) Monthly Meetings
Link to GSR Meeting schedule:
Annie M. (Co-Chair)
We no longer have a mailing address.
You can contact us by email at
For the GSR monthly meeting, please note that they do not meet in August because of the World Service Conference (WSC).
How to make a NorCal GSR donation:
The NorCal GSR Area Group is now only accepting electronic contributions via:
PayPal: or
CashApp: $norcalgsr
Include your Group Number in the "What's this payment for?" text field for PayPal, or in the note for CashApp.
If you don't know your Group Number, look it up on the Meeting List on the Meeting Page of this website or at
For your receipt, you will get an electronic notification when you check your activity in PayPal or a heart emoji in your CashApp activity.
If you need to send a check, or if you want a written receipt, send an email to and we will try to accommodate you.

Important FAQs:
(Q) If my meeting is raising GSR Funds, but we don't have a GSR, should we donate these funds to the NorCal GSR?
(A) Not necessarily. It might be a better idea to continue to host events, raise funds, and save these funds until your meeting can send a GSR to the DA World Service Conference (DA WSC) even if this takes a couple of years. The events hosted by your meeting help strengthen your meeting and meetings with strong recovery yields members that step up to serve at the Intergroup, GSR, ACM and DA Board levels. This benefits not only your meeting and it's members, but all of DA. Setting a vision for your meeting to send a GSR to the WSC, hosting events and establishing regular accruals for the GSR strengthens everyone's recovery.
(Q) If my meeting is raising money to send our GSR to the World Service Conference and we are a little short can the NorCal GSR help us with funds?
(A) The NorCal GSR receives donations from meetings who have a surplus after meeting their needs. The surplus is divided into 45% going to NCDA Intergroup, 45% going to the General Service Office and 10% going to the NorCal GSR. After the NorCal GSR has met it's operating expenses the remainder is available to assist meetings whose GSRs have attended 7 out of 11 GSR meetings. The amount that the NorCal GSR can contribute to a GSR varies each year, but the average amount is about $300.
(Q) If there has been a turnover in the GSR position and the outgoing GSR has regularly attended the GSR meeting will the incoming GSR be eligible for GSR funds?
(A) Yes. We consider the donation going to the meeting, not the person.
(Q) If a meeting's GSR is requesting GSR funds do they need to give the GSR Treasurer an Earning/Spending Plan?
(A) Yes. The GSR Treasurer has created an Excel spreadsheet that matches the WSC Registration packet with examples of expenses and the spreadsheet is set up to calculate. Please talk to the GSR Treasurer and they will help you with the spreadsheet.
(Q) If a meeting's GSR is requesting funds, does the NorCal GSR need to be updated on our fundraising efforts?
(A) Yes. We don't know how much to fund each recipient until we know how much each recipient needs.
(Q) After the DA World Service Conference in August, if the GSR has money left over should that go back to the meeting or the NorCal GSR?
(A) The funds should be refunded to the NorCal GSR, but not to exceed the amount provided to the GSR by the NorCal GSR. These funds should be refunded to the NorCal GSR in September of that same year.
(Q) If a meeting, who once required funds to send their GSR to the WSC from the NorCal GSR, if that meeting is now abundant in their GSR fundraising, would the NorCal GSR accept an additional donation to the GSR fund in appreciation for helping out in past years?
(A) Yes. Sometimes it happens that the 10% of a meeting's surplus funds annually is quite a small amount even when the meeting is abundant. If a meeting is successful at the events it provides, a meeting may find they not only have the GSR funds for this year but that they are well on their way to funding the next year as well. In this case, especially if the meeting as accepted funds from the NorCal GSR in the past, they may want to donate some of their surplus GSR funds, so that the NorCal GSR can help to send another meeting's GSR to the DA World Service.
(Q) Can individual DA and BDA members make contributions to the NorCal GSR?
(A) Yes. All contributions are greatly appreciated.
(Q) If a meeting is abundant in their GSR funds, should they skip hosting events because they don't need the funds?
(A) Not necessarily. Events hosted by meetings is one of the ways we carry the message and actively work Step 12. The benefits of hosting an event are not only to the participants who attend but to those who volunteer their time and effort as well.
(Q) If a meeting is new to hosting events and GSR fundraising can the NorCal GSR provide assistance?
(A) Yes. Many of our GSR are well versed in hosting events. Have your GSR talk to the GSR Chair and GSR Treasurer as early as September so that there is enough time for your meeting to meet its goals by June the following year.
(Q) Will the NorCal GSR do the fundraising for us?
(A) No. The NorCal GSR is there to support your meeting's event & GSR fundraising.
(Q) Is the GSR of a meeting expected to do all the fundraising for the meeting?
(A) No. The GSR can participate, but the meeting needs to the have an Events Coordinator that is supported by the meeting to put on events such as Step Studies and Share Days with speakers.
(Q) What if a meeting is small and in a remote location how can they do events and can the NorCal GSR help us?
(A) The size of your meeting doesn't matter. The NorCal GSR can show you how to conduct a Phone Step Study for your meeting and receive donations electronically. They can show you how to utilize the services of the NCDA Intergroup to get the word out about your event and you may have participants from all over North America attending your event.
(Q) Can any meeting in the Northern California get support in GSR Fundraising?
(A) Your meeting must be registered with, have a group number, and be in NCDA Intergroup's region (See the Meeting Page on this website).
(Q) Does the NorCal GSR have any workshops on event planning and fundraising?
(A) The NorCal GSR hopes to put on such a workshop with tried-and-tested events at NCDA Intergroup's Do D.A. Day. If you would like to attend such an event, visit the Contact Us page of this website and let them know you're interested.
Questions about NorCal GSR? Email