Please note the times listed here are Eastern Time unless otherwise stated.
This information comes from
This section was last updated 2-25-2017.
For up-to-date global listings, go to the website listed above.
This section also doe not contain the new NorCal phone and video meetings added in Spring of 2020 due to the Coronavirus. For those new NorCal Virtual Meetings, please go to the section "Virtual Meetings".
BDA Check In
DAILY: 10:30 - 11:00 AM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 605-475-6777 (+1 605-475-6777 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 82764511# (enter PIN slowly)
NOTE: no meeting Saturday or Sunday
Information updated Nov. '14 Group # 1319
Musicians Monday Night BDA Meeting
MONDAY: 10:00 - 11:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 605-475-2090 (+1 605-475-2090 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 7630154
Group # 1495
Riunione Telefonica Lunedi
MONDAY: 17:00 - 18:30 CET
To attend this meeting, Dial: talkyoo_skype (+1 talkyoo_skype from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: room # 630929
For access telephone numbers by city, contact: Per trovare il numero di accesso nella tua città , si prega di contattare: Giulia +393338860480 Enza INFORMATION UPDATED FEBRUARY 2012. INFORMAZIONE AGGIORNATE FEBBRAIO 2012.
Group # 1531
BDA Check-In Meeting
MONDAY through Friday: 9:30 - 10:00 AM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 605-475-6777 (+1 605-475-6777 outside USA) (+1 605-475-6777 (+1 605-475-6777 outside USA) from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 82764511# (enter PIN slowly)
The group meets every weekday, M-F, but does not meet on Saturday or Sunday. INFORMATION UPDATED NOVEMBER 2015.
Group # 1177
BDA Step Meeting
MONDAY: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-432-0460 (+1 712-432-0460 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 879455#
This is an open English language BDA meeting, focusing on book study and the 12 Steps. INFORMATION UPDATED DECEMBER 2016.
Group # 1330
"The Just For This Day" Tool 8 Literature Study Meeting
MONDAY through Friday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-712-832-8300 (+1 1-712-832-8300 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 61404#
To attend this meeting, dial 1-712-832-8300 (+11-712-832-8300 from outside USA) Then key in the access code: 61404#. Dial in no more than 15 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Do not identify yourself if joining after 7:00 AM EST. INFORMATION UPDATED DECEMBER 2016.
Group # 1309
Sedona Into Action
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712 432 0360, access code: 126484# (+1 712 432 0360, access code: 126484# from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 126484#
This is a face-to-face English language meeting, which is also accessible by phone. The meeting has a variable format within each month. The first Monday of each month is a step meeting, the second Monday is a speaker meeting, the third Monday we listen to a recording, and the fourth Monday focuses on a BDA (Business Debtors Anonymous)topic. When there is a fifth Monday in the month we focus on the 12 Traditions. Please note that the meeting time is based on Arizona time. Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings, so in summer, we are the same as Pacific Time, but in winter, we are on Mountain Time! INFORMATION UPDATED APRIL 2016
Group # 1315000
Monday Night DA HOW Format
MONDAY: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 515-739-1285 (+1 515-739-1285 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: Access Code 877485#
DA HOW fundamentals. All the tools are read and shared on by HOW sponsors who share their experience, strength and hope-Passing on what we've so richly been given. INFORMATION UPDATED DECEMBER 2016.
Group # 120314
DA Step and Tradition Skype Meeting
MONDAY: 9:30 PM CET Amsterdam
To attend this meeting, Dial: (+1 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: See instructions below
Users need a computer, the Skype application, and a headset. Add to your skype account. To check time zones, use is also an online mailing list 24/7 for this group at:,INFORMATION UPDATED APRIL 2014.
Group # 1631
Actions Coming From Love
MONDAY: 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-432-8808 (+1 712-432-8808 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 2221212#
This is an open English language meeting, focusing on book study, steps, and tools.INFORMATION UPDATED JANUARY 2016.
Group # 12616
Tuesday Twilight BDA
TUESDAY: 9:15 - 10:30 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-832-8300 (+1 712-832-8300 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: Access code 666391#
INFORMATION UPDATED MARCH 2015.From outside USA dial + before phone number as listed, then the access code.
Group # 1019
DA and Health Issues
TUESDAY: 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-515-739-1020 (+1 1-515-739-1020 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 250588#
The group uses a rotating format. The first and third weeks of the month are speaker meetings, the second week of the month is a step meeting, and the fourth week is dedicated to reading, studying, and discussing A Currency of Hope. INFORMATION UPDATED DECEMBER 2016.
Group # 1176
Tuesday 9 PM Eastern
TUESDAY: 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-432-8808 (+1 712-432-8808 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 2221212#
This is an open meeting, focusing on book study, steps, and tools. Unfortunately, because of disrupting behaviors from callers, we have had to make a few changes to keep the line safe for us. One of the reasons why some members cannot get in is because they may have a blocked, unknown, or an anonymous number. Sometimes this can be easily corrected by pressing *82 before dialing in, it releases or unblocks the number.INFORMATION UPDATED DECEMBER 2015.
Group # 82515
Carrying the Message
TUESDAY: 8:00 PM-9:00 PM GMT
To attend this meeting, Dial: 0330 777 1307 (+1 0330 777 1307 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 2467128
This is an open phone meeting. To dial in from the following countries, use the following numbers and times. US: 712-832-8330, 12 Noon PST; Canada: 867-292-3030, 3 PM EST; Australia 08 9520 3110. UPDATED NOVEMBER 2016.
Group # 112216
50 plus DA
WEDNESDAY: 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-712-832-8300 (+1 1-712-832-8300 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 66639#
Other time zones: 6:00 CST; 5:00 MST; 4:00 PST. This meeting follows a five-week rotation. The first Wednesday is a Step Meeting, the second Wednesday is a Tools Meeting, the third Wednesday is a Traditions Meeting, the fourth Wednesday is a Speaker Meeting, and the fifth Wednesday is a Currency of Hope reading.INFORMATION UPDATED AUGUST 2015.
Group # 1187
WEDNESDAY: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-775-7035 (+1 712-775-7035 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 295072#
This is an open English language DA meeting using the HOW format (Honesty, Openness, Willingness). Download meeting format at: INFORMATION UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2016.
Group # 1701
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-605-475-5950 (+1 1-605-475-5950 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 66639#
Press *6 to mute and unmute. Please stay muted while on the call, unless it is your turn to speak.INFORMATION UPDATED JANUARY 2013.
Group # 999
DA HOW Recovery from Compulsive Spending
WEDNESDAY: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-775-7035 (+1 712-775-7035 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 295072#
This meeting will use the Conference Approved "Recovery from Compulsive Spending" pamphlet as the basis for discussion. INFORMATION UPDATED DECEMBER 2016.
Group # 1528
DA Skype Meeting
WEDNESDAY: 9:30 PM CET Amsterdam
To attend this meeting, Dial: (+1 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: See instructions below
Users need a computer, the Skype application, and a headset. Add to your skype account.To check time zones, use is also an online mailing list 24/7 for this group at: INFORMATION UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2016.
Group # 1371
Wednesday 8 PM
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-432-8808 (+1 712-432-8808 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 2221212#
This is an open English language meeting, focusing on book study, steps, and tools. Star one is to mute and unmute; initially will come on muted. INFORMATION UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2015.
Group # 825151
Big Book Study
THURSDAY: 11 AM - noon EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-605-475-6333 (+1 1-605-475-6333 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 66639# press *6 to unmute/share; press *6 when sharing is complete, to reduce background noise
Group # 1244
Freedom from Debt
THURSDAY: 12:00 PM -1:30 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 641-715-3810 (+1 641-715-3810 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 808618#
The meeting concentrates on book study and the steps and tools of DA. The meeting is based out of Israel, where the meeting time is 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM Israeli time. The phone number in Israel is 972-76-599-0000. To receive phone numbers for other countries, email Leah at INFORMATION UPDATED NOVEMBER 2016.
Group # 62416
DA and Health Issues 2
THURSDAY: 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 605-475-6700 (+1 605-475-6700 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 3039810#
Special Notes: For DA members with health issues, particularly but not exclusively focusing on recovery for compulsive debtors affected by abuse and trauma, neglect and dysfunction in early life. All DA members welcome. Week 1: speaker: week 2: Step Meeting using DA Step pamphlet: week 3: DA tools: week 4: Reading from A Currency of Hope for 10 minutes, alternating with The DA Promises: Week 5: Tradition of the month from AA 12+12. Business meeting last Thursday of the month.INFORMATION UPDATED JANUARY 2013.
Group # 1538
Let's Grow DA !
THURSDAY (3rd Thursday) from January through September: 5:30 PM -7:00 PM PST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 319-527-9196 (+1 319-527-9196 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 287622#
This is a series of Public Information phone workshops for DA members worldwide, ensuring interested DA members are aware of available PI resources and how to use them. Visit or email Join us! Let's Grow DA! INFORMATION UPDATED FEBRUARY 2017.
Group # 13017
DA HOW Recovery from Underearning
THURSDAY: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-770-4087 (+1 712-770-4087 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 753319#
This is an English language DA meeting which uses the HOW (Honesty Openness Willingness) format. The meeting focuses on recovery from underearning. The DA conference-approved "Underearning" pamphlet is read and participants are encouraged to speak about the reading. For more information and to download the meeting format, visit INFORMATION UPDATED FEBRUARY 2017.
Group # 12017
Overcoming Underearning
THURSDAY: 9:00 - 10:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-605-475-5950 (+1 1-605-475-5950 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 66639
other time zones: 8:00 CST; 7:00 MST; 6:00 PSTINFORMATION UPDATED MARCH 2012.
Group # 1065
20 Minute Phone Meeting
THURSDAY: 11:30 PM-11:50 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-432-1500 (+1 712-432-1500 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 819279#
Dial in phone # 712-432-1500 Access Code 819279# INFORMATION UPDATED FEBRUARY 2016.
Group # 1648
DA Clear Away!
FRIDAY: 10:00 - 11:20 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 218-548-7079 (+1 218-548-7079 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: CLUTTER# or 2588837#
This topic meeting focuses on clutter as a symptom of our disease and terminal vagueness. De-cluttering is essential to our DA recovery and our ability to "keep our numbers". A three-minute guided visual meditation is lead to make peace with clutter tendencies and to envision a clutter-free D.A. abstinence/solvency. Guest speakers share their E.S.H. in D.A., including their clutter struggles and solutions. INFORMATION UPDATED August 2014.
Group # 1374
DA HOW for Business Owners/Sole Proprietors - BDA Tools/Pamphlet Meeting
FRIDAY: 7:30 - 8:30 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-832-8310 (+1 712-832-8310 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 7474463#
This is an open, English language DA phone meeting. To receive a copy of our format, ask a question, or be put on our mailing list, please contact us at . Thank You! INFORMATION UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2016.
Group # 1474
Friday Night Sanity Seekers
FRIDAY: 9:00 - 10:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 605-475-4350 (+1 605-475-4350 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 704742
Speaker meeting: DA speakers, except on third Friday of month, when there is a BDA speaker. The conference line is open 10 minutes before the meeting and up to 25 minutes after the meeting for fellowship.INFORMATION UPDATED OCTOBER 2012.
Group # 1236
Daily Commitment
FRIDAY: 11:00 AM -12:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 641-715-0700 (+1 641-715-0700 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 119277#
This an open English language DA phone meeting. The meeting focuses on reading and discussion of the following DA pamphlets: Spending Plan, Pressure Relief Meetings and Pressure Relief Groups, Record Keeping, and Recovery from Compulsive Spending. INFORMATION UPDATED AUGUST 2016.
Group # 72316
Friday Vision and Meditation/Speaker Meeting
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-605-475-6006 (+1 1-605-475-6006 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 66639
other time zones: 3:00 CST; 2:00 MST; 1:00 PSTINFORMATION UPDATED FEBRUARY 2013.
Group # 1124
BDA Skype Meeting - Experience Strength Hope
FRIDAY: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: (+1 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code:
Add ExperienceStrengthHopeBDA on Skype.
Group # 1588
DA/BDA Record & Numbers Keeping Meeting - Part 1
SATURDAY: 10:00 - 11:00 AM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-432-0460 (+1 712-432-0460 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 879455#
Group # 1485
DA/BDA Record & Numbers-Keeping Workshop - Part 2
SATURDAY: 11:15 - 12:30 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-432-0460 (+1 712-432-0460 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 879455#
INFORMATION UPDATED FEBRUARY 2014.This is a Workshop, where DA/BDA members can work on their numbers, spending plan, or other recovery activity in SILENT solidarity, with bookending and member support.
Group # 1486
Saturday BDA for Artists and Writers
SATURDAY: 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 641-715-3818 (+1 641-715-3818 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 257887#
The meeting is open to all self employed people who have a desire to create, maintain or increase a revenue stream as a result of their creative process. We do not define what is art or who are artists and writers. The first part of the meeting focuses on the Tools. The format of the second part of the meeting varies by week. INFORMATION UPDATED MARCH 2016.
Group # 1375
Saturday Night Serenity Seekers Literature Study Meeting
SATURDAY: 7:30 - 8:30 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-605-475-6333 (+1 1-605-475-6333 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 116678#
This is a literature study meeting. Format as follows:Weeks 1/3: Reading from the DA pamphlets in alphabetical order.Week 2: A Currency of Hope, designated reading.Week 3: Monthly business meeting.Week 4: The Twelve Traditions (Long Form) from the AA Twelve and Twelve (pages 189-192).Corresponding tradition to month.Week 5: Chair will choose topic.INFORMATION UPDATED JANUARY 2014.
Group # 1354
Currency of Hope DA
SATURDAY: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 641-715-3850 (+1 641-715-3850 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 164033#
This is a hybrid meeting, both telephone and face to face. Face to face group meets in Rochester, NY.This is an open meeting; most meetings are step meetings, and the last meeting of the month is a literature meeting. INFORMATION UPDATED NOVEMBER 2016.
Group # 9934
Sunday Phone BDA
SUNDAY: 8:00 - 9:15 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 605-475-2090 (+1 605-475-2090 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 666391#
This is an English language meeting. INFORMATION UPDATED MARCH 2016.
Group # 968
Stepping Together Phone Meeting
SUNDAY: 9:00 - 10:00 AM PST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 605-475-6006 (+1 605-475-6006 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 6272154#
Group # 1619
Sunday 9 AM Eastern Meeting
SUNDAY: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 1-712-832-8330 (+1 1-712-832-8330 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 1880647#
This is an open speaker meeting, except on the first Sunday of each month when it is a business meeting. INFORMATION UPDATED NOVEMBER 2016.
Group # 967
DA HOW Ways & Means Discussion Group
SUNDAY: 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-775-7035 (+1 712-775-7035 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 295072#
Download meeting format at INFORMATION UPDATED DECEMBER 2016.
Group # 1587
Worldwide Meeting of Debtors Anonymous
SUNDAY: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-832-8300 (+1 712-832-8300 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 66639#
Other time zones: 4:30 CST; 3:30 MST; 2:30 PST INFORMATION UPDATED MARCH 2015.
Group # 970
The Freedom Group
SUNDAY: 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM EST
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-770-4010 Call In (+1 712-770-4010 Call In from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 873968#
Format: Week 1-Visions; Week 2-A Currency of Hope; Week 3-Step; Week 4-Speaker; Week 5- Chair's Choice. There is a Business Meeting every 2nd week starting at 9:15 PM. INFORMATION UPDATED JANUARY 2016.
Group # 150419
Showing Up Action Group
SUNDAY: See times below
To attend this meeting, Dial: 712-832-8300 (+1 712-832-8300 from outside USA)
Then key in the access code: 46966843#
This meeting occurs two times on Sunday:8:00 - 9:00 AM and 7:00 - 8:00 PM ET. UPDATED JULY 2015.
Group # 9563