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About Intergroup


NCDA (Northern California Debtors Anonymous) meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month, 10:15-12:15p. 


When we meet in person, all meetings are held at St. Teresa of Avila:

1490 19th Street, San Fransisco, CA 94107

Corner of 19th and Connecticut. Enter on Connecticut. 

Currently, we are meeting via Zoom.


The primary purpose of each Intergroup is to support the D.A. meetings within its regional
area and to help direct newcomers to those meetings. 
The Intergroup meeting is a gathering of D.A. members who represent D.A. groups throughout a geographic region.

An Intergroup can also serve the needs of members who attend meetings on the telephone (Debtors Anonymous Telephone Intergroup – DATIG), or on the internet. Intergroups meet usually monthly or bi-monthly. 


Intergroup plays a vital role in carrying the D.A. message to the still-suffering debtor and is often the first point of contact for people struggling with debt and debting.


The purpose of the NCDA Intergroup is the coordination of Debtors Anonymous activities common to various groups comprising its membership. Such activities include:


Furthering the Debtors Anonymous program in accordance with the Twelve Traditions of Debtors Anonymous;

Maintaining a communication network for Debtors Anonymous in this area.


The mission of Intergroup is to carry the message and to serve these meetings. Currently, it accomplishes this by:

  • Providing a forum for discussion between meeting representatives to compare notes and share information.

  • Maintaining and distributing regular meeting lists (the Prosperity Times newsletter).

  • Sponsoring two recovery events each year that are open to the whole membership.

  • Maintaining a reserve of DA literature that is available for purchase at events.

  • Maintaining a telephone information line to let people know about local meetings.

  • Maintaining this website.

  • Acting as a liaison between the group and the public media.

  • Sending a representative to the DA World Service Conference on behalf of all the area meetings.

Beyond this basic and fundamental purpose, an Intergroup can serve as a clearinghouse
for information. Groups can send representatives to general meetings of an Intergroup and share their experience, strength, and hope in carrying the message. New ideas and
approaches can be exchanged. Groups can share their knowledge and experience with
new or struggling groups.


Intergroups can also provide opportunities for cooperation on fellowship projects that are
beyond the capacity of any one group. Thus, Intergroups develop regional meeting lists,
develop and maintain websites, and sponsor events which enable debtors to come
together and share their recovery.


Public information is another function that an Intergroup can perform that might be difficult for an individual group. Contacting the local media and making them aware of the existence and purpose of D.A. is sometimes hard for a small group. The same is true for contacting professionals, such as therapists and clergy, to inform them about the help available in D.A.

Intergroups can also participate in the general service structure of D.A. Each Intergroup is
eligible to send an Intergroup Service Representative (ISR) to the annual World Service
Conference (WSC). The ISR serves as the link between the Intergroup and the WSC, the
General Service Board, and the GSO.


NCDA Website:

If you would like to have your meeting's flyer/event posted on the NCDA Website, please provide the following:

(1) Scan and email your flyer as a JPG attachment.

(2) Include your Group Number on the flyer. (If you don't know your group number, look it up on the or site.  If your group number is not there, then you probably need to register your meeting with DA.)

(3) Email Us:




NCDA Intergroup

1875 Mission St., Suite 103, San Francisco, CA 94103

© 2024 NCDA Intergroup

(415) 295-6232 (NCDA)


Tradition Three: "The only requirement for D.A. membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt."; "We avoid bias based on race, ethnicity, age, sex, sexual or gender orientation, ability or disability, religion or lack of religion, politics, socioeconomic status, and other such factors" pg. 76, The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Debtors Anonymous.

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